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The GP Show

Welcome to The Gp Show podcast "libsyn directory" page!  Please visit my full website; that includes podcasts, the podcast notes with resources, a clinicians bookshelf split into the lifestyle and medical domains with a growing library of online resources (for patients and health professionals) including handouts, courses, apps, books, podcasts and more.

Join me, Dr Sam Manger MD, for real and in-depth conversations with guests, experts and advocates from around the world sharing knowledge, stories, insight and experience on a variety of health-related topics.  This podcast is specifically designed-with-love for health professionals and anybody else interested in health, science and medicine.

Please note: the Information on this site and in these podcasts is designed for informational purposes only and does not replace the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician and is not intended as medical advice. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you saw or read on The GP Show Podcast and related pages. Always practice within your level of professional capabilities and scope of practice. This podcast does not give you the right to practice beyond your training.

Available on iTunes and all podcast apps.

Enjoy and thank you for listening. 

Sep 26, 2017

Today we have a chat with dietitian and health coach extraordinaire Shivaun Conn.  We discuss some principles around how to more effectively change patient behaviour for the better.  It is a topic that requires years of study, application and improvement, but we have had some laughs covering a few basics, including tips...

Sep 20, 2017

Today we are joined by Dr Joanna McMillan PhD Dietitian at the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine conference. I have heard conflicting stories over the years about which oils are safe to cook with and in particular olive oil. Joanna talks us through new Australian research comparing common cooking oils: extra...

Sep 12, 2017

Today we are joined by ophthalmologist and all round nice guy Dr Russell Phillips to discuss red eye in GP - differentials, causes, approach to history, exam and management.

Approach to the red eye in GP

Conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral, allergic)

Subconjunctival haemorrhage

Herpetic keratitis + dendritic ulcer


Sep 8, 2017

In this episode we will cover history and examination in eye disorders.  This is a review episode to help give us the foundations to assessing any eye disorder which we will cover more in future episodes.

- History

- Examination - visual acuity, visual fields, eye movements, pupils and swing torch test, torch...

Sep 1, 2017

1.Key points of medicare
2.What medicare covers and doesn’t cover
3.Detail of certain item numbers: During hours, after hours, emergency, women’s health, procedures, GPMP/TCA, MHCP, health assessments, cycle of care and more,
5.Auditing and 80/20 rule
6.Medicare Safety Net