Jan 11, 2024
Dr Ahmed Kazmi is a UK trained Dermatologist and GP currently based in Melbourne, Australia. He loves all dermatology but has a special interest in hair and scalp disorders, transgender medicine and skin of colour dermatology. He is a keen medical educationalist and enjoys empowering his GP colleagues with dermatology knowledge and skills. He is a clinical senior lecturer at the University of UWA. He is passionate about doctor wellbeing and also often speaks on this topic. When he isn't consulting he moonlights as a professional cabaret artist and comedian.
Website and upcoming show details: www.doctorahmed.net
Twitter/X/Facebook/instagram/YouTube: @drahmedkazmi
Podcast content and times:
0-26.05 mins = Introduction and doctor's wellbeing
26.05 mins to end = Scalp and hair disorders (seborrheoic dermatitis, dandruff, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, scalp and hair care)
Interested in studying lifestyle medicine, health coaching and models of care in health and wellbeing? Check out the JCU postgraduate courses: Grad Cert, Grad Diploma, and Master.
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