Apr 26, 2021
Professor Sir Michael Marmot is Professor of Epidemiology at University College London, Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity, and Past President of the World Medical Association.
He is the author of The Health Gap: the challenge of an unequal world (Bloomsbury: 2015) and Status Syndrome: how your place on the...
Apr 20, 2021
Dr Petra Skeffington is a clinical psychologist at the Cygnet Clinic in Perth. She has a PhD from Curtin University and a Masters Certificate in Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery from Harvard Medical School. She is the Western Australian State Chair for the Australian Psychological Society (APS) College of...
Apr 13, 2021
(Replay) Professor Gregory Phillips is the CEO of Abstarr consulting and Professor of First People’s Health in the School of Medicine at Griffith University. Gregory is from the Waanyi and Jaru Aboriginal Australian peoples and comes from Cloncurry and Mount Isa. He is a leading change maker, thought leader and...
Apr 8, 2021
(Replay) Dr Dean Ornish is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, Founder and President of the non-for-profit Preventative Medical Research Institute, Founder of the only USA-medicare lifestyle-based program; the "Reversing Heart Disease" program, he has published extensively over 35 years...
Apr 7, 2021
Hello my most excellent listeners!
It is a season break until late May/early June. I shall be playing some replays in the mean time. And then I shall be back!
Thank you for listening.
Take care of yourself in the mean time.
Breath deep.