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The GP Show

Welcome to The Gp Show podcast "libsyn directory" page!  Please visit my full website; that includes podcasts, the podcast notes with resources, a clinicians bookshelf split into the lifestyle and medical domains with a growing library of online resources (for patients and health professionals) including handouts, courses, apps, books, podcasts and more.

Join me, Dr Sam Manger MD, for real and in-depth conversations with guests, experts and advocates from around the world sharing knowledge, stories, insight and experience on a variety of health-related topics.  This podcast is specifically designed-with-love for health professionals and anybody else interested in health, science and medicine.

Please note: the Information on this site and in these podcasts is designed for informational purposes only and does not replace the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician and is not intended as medical advice. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you saw or read on The GP Show Podcast and related pages. Always practice within your level of professional capabilities and scope of practice. This podcast does not give you the right to practice beyond your training.

Available on iTunes and all podcast apps.

Enjoy and thank you for listening. 

Oct 15, 2017

A/Prof Bittoun gave one of the most useful workshops I have ever done at the recent Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine conference on smoking cessation. I had to interview her to share some of the principles with you. 

With 15% of Australians still smoking and 21% in disadvantaged areas - this is still a major disease determinant - but were the people who have already quit the low hanging fruit?  Why is it so hard for the rest to stop?

Today we cover some incredibly important and interesting content:

1. Renee shares some of her history in dealing with "Big Tobacco"

2. Smoking history

3. Nicotine physiology - positive and negative effects of nicotine, withdrawal effects, fast vs slow metabolisers, bell curve of blood nicotine levels, effect on liver metabolism, blood glucose and medication

4. Nicotine replacement therapy - when to use, how to use, how to increase, how long to use and how to reduce

5. Champix (varenicline) use - the EAGLES trial and use with NRT

6. Brief mentions of behaviour change (we ran out of time!)

Further reading: